Tips: Starting as a freelancer on part time basis
Although freelancers often only need a small starting capital for the implementation of their business, the first step into self-employment is always risky. The risks are, for example, the workload, acquisition costs, lack of capital reserves and inability to make payments on time.
If this risk is too much to take in one go, one can also try starting self-employment step-by-step in order to minimise this gamble. After all, no one is obligated to plunge head over heels into cold water!
Being self-employed on the side means slowly approaching your own independence without the fear that you will not be able to pay the rent. Becoming self-employed while keeping your current job is particularly suitable for people who attach great importance to financial planning and security. After all, employment can still be terminated as soon as the appointment list has been filled. Starting self-employment on a part-time basis is also a good way to find out whether you feel comfortable in the lifestyle of a freelancer.
In the beginning, stage, since you are not yet dependent on the income from self-employment, you can also take care of the necessary administrative tasks more easily, from visiting the tax consultant to creating your own website. The part-time self-employment is, therefore, a good way to try yourself out in the entrepreneurial role and to achieve initial success without too much pressure and a good prerequisite for long-term success.
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This article was published in the Freelancing.HK-News 69.