Scientist Hong Kong: Found 1 freelancer available
Freelancers in the category scientist conduct scientific research to advance knowledge in an area of interest, like physics, mathematics or sociology. Many of our scientists have advanced degrees in science and pursue careers in academy, industry and government. Scientists have a desire to understand why the world is as we see it and how it came to be. They exhibit a strong curiosity about the world.
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Main focus: Planning and design. Quality control. Production processes and waste water plants.
Professional background: Chemical engineer, Technical High School in Frankfurt. Chemical process technology. Waste water treatment for commerce and industry. Thermal process technology. Mechanical process technology, manufacturing technics in workshops. Quality control, UT and MT. Design, layout of waste water processes. Self-employed since 2001.
Professional background: Chemical engineer, Technical High School in Frankfurt. Chemical process technology. Waste water treatment for commerce and industry. Thermal process technology. Mechanical process technology, manufacturing technics in workshops. Quality control, UT and MT. Design, layout of waste water processes. Self-employed since 2001.
General qualifications: Office organisation ++ Languages: German +++, French ++, Italian ++, Russian + Miscellaneous: 7 days a week, also night shift.