FAQ: Who are the freelancers listed at Freelancing.hk?
The freelancers listed at Freelancing.hk can be incorporated in different economic forms. Besides freelancers, they could also be sole traders, limited companies, etc.
All listed profiles must, however, refer to one specific person. Therefore, profiles representing a complete team are allowed, as well as fictional people or interchangeable employees.
Entrepreneurs and temp agencies can offer their own personnel at Freelancing.hk and invoice the clients based on their own calculation. In this case, the name of the actual employee must be entered during registration, while the address and account data of the company must be entered. In the registration entry form, please enter the following at 'additional information': 'The company xxx (contact person Mrs. yyy) accepts the billing for its registered employee towards Freelancing.hk and towards the client. In the publicly visible Freelancing.hk profile, the indirect billing is indicated by additional hint like 'management and billing this ‘freelancer’ is provided via a personnel service provider in Hong Kong at no additional costs.'
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